BYO Policies
All about the rehearsals
Being a member of the Bergen Youth Orchestras program is a privilege and a responsibility. Since its founding in 1968, the Symphony has gained a reputation as one of the finest youth symphonies in the Metropolitan Area.
Please remember the following for each rehearsal:
Rehearsal schedules will be issued at the beginning of the season and also posted on the website. All orchestra members are asked to arrive 10 to 15 minutes ahead of the scheduled time to be properly warmed up and ready to play.
Your utmost attention, concentration and cooperation are expected. Use of cell phones is not permitted until the break.
Each student should remember to bring their instrument, music folder, and pencil to each rehearsal. Each member should also prepare the Orchestra music with their private teacher on a weekly basis.
During the summer each student will be given an orchestral work to prepare for the upcoming season. Seating auditions take place the third rehearsal. Seats are assigned for the entire season. If the student’s playing unsatisfactory, they may be placed on probation and may be asked to re audition to show progress.
Every student will be given a folder containing music for the upcoming concert. Students must bring a pencil with eraser to rehearsals. At the end of concert season the music and folders must be left with the manager.
Attendance is critical and any absence, regardless of the reason, is detrimental to the ensemble.
Please make BYO your 1st priority when scheduling your activities.
Attendance for all rehearsals and concerts is mandatory. Three tardies will constitute one unexcused absence. Students will be allowed two unexcused absences per concert period.
Excused absences are for for illnesses, mandatory school activity, or religious activity. The Manager will decide on a case-by-case basis. In some cases notes may be required.
The stipulations for absences are as follows:
* All absences must be reported at least 24 hours before the rehearsal.
* Please leave an email at or a phone call/text message at 201-390-6465.
* Dress Rehearsals and Concerts are mandatory.
* Students who are chronically absent or late may be put on probation.
* A student may be dismissed from an ensemble after a third unexcused absence in a concert period.
If a student is chronically late or absent they will receive a letter of probation and may be asked to re-audition.
It is the obligation of the BYO staff to maintain a professional code of conduct. Students are expected to respect the rehearsal and concert venues. Bullying will not be tolerated and will result in immediate probation or dismissal.
Rehearsal and concert cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted by our provided text message service.
Students are expected to play in all scheduled concerts.
Girls: Long black skirts or dress black pants, black or white blouse, black shoes.
Boys: Black slacks and jacket, white shirt, long tie, black shoes and black socks.
There is a yearly $50 non-refundable registration/audition fee.
Auditions are expected to be “in person” on the scheduled date.
Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case base with an additional $25 fee.
* Tuition must be paid before or at the first rehearsal.
* Tuition is non-refundable. If you choose to withdraw from the Orchestra, no refunds will be given under any circumstances.
* Dismissals due to violations of orchestra policies are also non-refundable.
* If there are serious medical conditions, management may at their discretion, issue credit toward the following season’s tuition.