BYO Concert Strings (Just strings)
Join the orchestra
Audition Fee: $50.00
Seasonal Tuition: $595.00
Technical Requirements:
Student should be taking private lessons.
Student must be able to sight read whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth notes and rests and a combination thereof.
Student must be able to play scales and read notes in the keys of C, D, G, A and F major.
Student must be able to play the above note values with single bows and 2 notes to a bow.
All players must have acceptable intonation.
Dynamics: Loud, medium, soft, crescendo, decrescendo.
BYO Concert Strings Requirements
Student should have knowledge of variations in bowing styles.
Should have ability to sub-divide eighth and sixteenth notes.
Must be able to play two octave scales in above listed keys and beginning position changes.
Same rhythm, bowing and scale requirements as violin.
No third position, but extensive use of fourth and extended third finger required.
Same rhythm, bowing and scale requirements as violin.
Must be able to use third and fourth position (minimum fourth position) on all strings.
Must be able to use half and extended first position.
Same rhythm, bowing and scale requirements as violin.
All students must be able to play a two octave G major scale and one octave scales in C, D, A and F major
All students must be able to read 1/2 position notes.
Suggested Audition Pieces or Student’s choice of equivalent level
– Suzuki book 2-3, but must be able to read music and using supplemental material.
– Intermediate solo material that features a full length page of music with challenging rhythm patterns and key signatures.