BYO Philharmonia

Explore orchestral repertoire

BYO Philharmonia is for strong intermediate musicians that will form a full orchestra comprised of strings, winds, brass, and percussion.   Repertoire from arrangements to original standard works are studied and performed. The BYO Philharmonia plays two concerts per season.

Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 pm at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 22-15 Broadway, Fairlawn, NJ

Philharmonia Concert and Rehearsal Schedule

Registration/Audition Fee:      $ 50.00

Seasonal Tuition:        $800.00

BYO Philharmonia Requirements

Woodwind and Brass:

Scales: All major keys, full range of instrument

Articulation: Legato, staccato and double tonguing for brass.

Intonation: Excellent in prepared music.

Sight Reading: Fluid. Players should have the ability to adequately perform music at the same level as the suggested audition pieces.

Timpani & Percussion:

All rudiments of technique

Ability to tune timpani

Ability to play three to four timpani

For mallet instruments: All major scales Sight

Reading: Same as Woodwind & Brass


Scales: All major keys through 4 flats and 4 sharps full range of instrument in position in 3 octaves

Bowing: Good technique in legato, staccato, spiccato and martelé

Intonation: Same as Woodwind & Brass

Sight Reading: Same as Woodwind & Brass

Suggested Audition Pieces or Alternate pieces to be chosen by student

Flute: Vivaldi or Mozart Concerto (Fast Mvt)

Oboe: Marcello or Albinoni Concerto (Fast Mvt)

Clarinet: Stamitz Concerto (Fast Mvt) or Weber Concertino

Bassoon: Weissenborn Etude or Eccles Sonata

Horn: Mozart Concerto (Fast Mvt) or Kopprasch Study

Trumpet: Arban Study or Haydn Concerto (Any Mvt)

Trombone: Transcriptions of Baroque Sonatas (Vivaldi, Corelli)

Tuba: Air and Bourrée J.S. Bach arr. William Bell or Kopprasch Study

Timpani: Saul Goldenberg Intermediate Etude

Snare Drum: Morris Goldenberg Intermediate Etude

Violin: Antonio Vivialdi, J. S. Bach Concerto No. 1 (1st Mvt) or Mozart

Viola:  Bach Concerto No. 3 (1st Mvt), Telemann Concerto (Fast Mvt)

Cello: Brahms Sonata No. 1 (1st Mvt)

Bass: Marcello or Eccles Sonata

Phone: (201) 390-6465
Hawthorne, NJ 07506
6 Royal Avenue